- Head of Departmengt
Electronics & Communications Engineering Program
- About
- Staff
- Teaching assistants Staff
- Internal Regulation
- Program News
- The Research Plan
- Labs
- Time Table
Program and Course Specifications
Graduation Projects
- Scientific Leadership
- Quality

أبنائى الطلبة والطالبات .. یسعدنى ویشرفنى ما تبذلونھ من جھد فى
تحصيلكم العلمى والعملى وخدمتكم للمجتمع كخطوة اولى فى إعدادكم
لتولى مسئولية النھوض بأمتكم العظيمة مصر ومجتمعكم
واسرتكم وانفسكم. لذا یبذل إداریين وأعضاء الھيئة المعاونة
واعضاء هيئة التدریس بقسمكم كل ما فى وسعھم لتقدیم كل حدیث يحقق
جودة تعليمكم من خلال تطویر المناهج الدراسية واساليب التعليم وغيرها لتواكب وتتوافق
مع التطور المستمرفي مجال هندسة الالكترونيات والاتصالات لإعداد مھندسين رواد المستقبل فى مجال البحث، قادرین على المنافسة فى سوق العمل المتجددة .
لذا نطلب من الله سبحانھ تحقيق آمالنا فيكم وآمالكم وآمال اسرتكم ومجتمعكم . فنرجو منكم ونطالبكم بالجد والمثابرة
مدير البرنامج
د/ محمد صبحي البكري
That the electronic engineering and communications program achieve leadership at the local and regional levels in accordance with comprehensive quality standards in the fields of teaching, learning, scientific research and community services.
provide the educational, training and research environment appropriate
for students of electronics engineering and
communications program. To enable students to keep abreast of rapid
developments in technology, competition locally and regionally, and the
ability to contribute to community service and the development of the
environment within the framework of values and ethics
Graduates of electronics engineering and communications program are expected the contacts include:
1. Use analysis and simulation tools from engineering science and mathematics.
2. Identify and develop different technologies in various fields of electronics and communications engineering.
3. Set and solve engineering problems in areas of electronics and communications by analytical thinking and through scientific research and creativity.
4. Work in a multidisciplinary environment and communicate effectively with others.
5. Lead and assume responsibility with professional ethics and respect for intellectual rights.
Electronics and Communications Engineering Program Internal Regulation
Course Specifications CLICK HERE
Program Specifications CLICK HERE

Program Student Guide Click Here
Electronics and Communications Engineering Program Survey Click Here